วันจันทร์ที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2558

Improve my speaking skill

  Improve my speaking skill

        As you see in this picture my English skills that have to improve seriously are listen and speaking skills. In my opinion, I think these skills are very important to communicate with another nationality. So, now I will tell you which way I practice and improve my skills. 

Speaking Skill

           I improve my Speaking Skill through this website
http://englishteststore.net/.  When you enter this website you will see many topics that belong to each skill and so on. 
The topics that you can choose with your interesting.

            I choose speaking skill first. When you enter in this topic you will see many levels that you can choose; it depend on you which level you interested. 

For me, I choose Perfect Speaking topic.
             In Perfect Speaking topic, you can practice your pronunciation by using a microphone to record your voice when you read a sentence and program will show the sentence that you have said. 

First window which you have to start your pronunciation
             If you pronounce correct, the program will give you a comment " Perfect ! " If you pronounce incorrect, the program will give you a comment "Not perfect! Yet. Try again!" like the picture below.

Correct pronunciation

Incorrect pronunciation
                  After you finish all of sentence the program will show the score that you got.

The total that I got from the test.

            These are the step that I use for practice my Speaking Skill. It is very helpful to improve your pronunciation. Moreover,it is made you happy with your pronunciation that you never listen before. Hope you enjoy it. 

^-^ Thank you for watching. :) :) 

วันศุกร์ที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2558

How to do itinerary by using Microsoft Word.

Honeymoon in New Orleans

On October 12, 2015
        I have learnt from group presentation of Jaroon about how to create itinerary for trip to Phukra dung, Loei province. We use Microsoft Word to create it by our idea. 
        For me, I got the letter from Anucha; he wrote that he want to go to Phukradung because it is the most popular place that he know at Loei. Moreover, he gave some condition for me to design time table for traveling at PhuKradung to him like the picture below.

          After I read it, I create itinerary for him as you can see in the picture below.  

         I don’t know much about the place at Phukradung and never go there so I modified it by reading from Double Enjoy Travel at the website below. 

The source: 

- http://www.doubleenjoy.com/trip/PhuKraDueng.aspx
                                                              Thank you. ^-^


วันจันทร์ที่ 21 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2558

Tell me about your country

Tell me about your country

The map of Germany

                     Today, I have learnt about how to create my own interesting country that I like in Microsoft Word and made instruction material. For me, I like Germany and I want to go there when everything in alright in someday.                     This topic was presented by my five friend name "Cholticha, Phiraphan, Disyabute, Wanwisa, and Kanin". It's so interesting that I can choose my interesting country instead of direction from the presenter.                     Thus, I will show you my work. Let's see!


              This example, I find many interesting information and picture to show students. Moreover, this product have to brief the information into phrase or 1 sentence because we want students describe what they see by themselves first, than let them find their own interesting country.  

Sources :  http://webboard.campus.sanook.com/forum/?topic=3777522                http://amazingthaisea.com/                      

วันอังคารที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2558

Presentation about "how to make brochure by Microsoft Publisher"

          Presentation about "how to make brochure 
         by Microsoft Publisher"

          On 7th September 2015, I am a presenter who present about how to do brochure by using Microsoft Publisher.

          This activity belong to "Visit our city " that was supported by associate professor Mary Ellen Butler-Pascoe the chair of the Department of Education at United State International University, San Diego, California, in the United State. 
          For my presentation in that time I have my members of group 3 people which name is Patraporn, Oranee, Wichuda, and Wiranchana. We read the passages of this topic (Visit Our City) that lead we know the procedure and caveats of this topic or activity. Then, we decided to use program Microsoft Publisher to make and create brochure.

          How to create your own tourist attraction brochure

          Step 1: Click on start button next, find Microsoft Office file and choose Microsoft Publisher than, you will see the page of program like the picture below.

         Step 2: Click brochure (แผ่นพับ) icon 

                       Next, you will see the new page that shows theme or form of brochure that you can choose to design your own brochure. 

             Step 3: After you choose your design please click on create icon or 
double click on page you like. Then you will see the new page that you choose,like the picture below.

            Step 4: Create your own paragraph that interesting for the reader  and put you picture into your block of each page. 

           Step 5: When you finish you have to save it or print it, it's depend on you idea.

These are 5 steps that lead you know how to make the brochures. 

This picture is my brochure that present about Phimai Historical Park

I hope this activity will help you to create your own brochures to promote your tourist attraction at you city or province.


วันจันทร์ที่ 31 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2558

๋Job Hunting - My resume

  Job Hunting - My resume


          Today, I have leant about how to create my own resume from www.myperfectresume.com website. It's too easy to do my resume because this website shows me how to write in a part of resume such as professional summary, skills, work stories and education.

             Thus, I will show my resume to you. This resume is belong to Teacher Required Urgentry advertisement from English Meduim School. (Like the photo below)

Advertisement from English Meduim School
                            After I found this advertisement, I had to write my resume that belong to quaility that the advertisement focus. The picture below shows the resume that I will send to the principal af English Meduim School.

Resume from www.myperfectresume.com

Source: - https://www.myperfectresume.com
    - http://pkjobsalert.com/teachers-required-english-medium-school-gulberg-lahore-15-march-2015/
                 - http://www.youthcentral.vic.gov.au/jobs-careers/applying-for-jobs/how-to-write-a-resume

วันจันทร์ที่ 24 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2558

WriteOn.hlp (Mail Merge)

How to do Mail merge 
on word-processing   

      Today, I have learnt about how to do mail merge on Microsoft word. It was presented from my 4 classmates. It's very easy to do many mail merges, invitation card or letter and so on in a short time. Thus, I am very proud to present you about the procedure and advantage of doing mail merge.

1. Procedure    

     1.1 Open Microsoft Word and make a table of guest's name list. It does depend on what you want to let reader know. For example

Name list

     1.2 Open the second Microsoft Word and write a letter and blank the space behind the word "Dear" like the example.

The letter; invite to wedding ceremony

     1.3 Choose Mailings menu and choose Use Existing list... to receive the name list and run the names till the last name.   

Choose Mailings menu and choose Use Existing list... to receive the name list 

Choose Use Existing list... to receive the name list
  1.4 Next, find your name list where you save it after click open.

Find name list in Desktop and choose the name list and open it

1.5 Click on Insert Merge Field to add Title, First name and Last name of your name's guest list
                    Choose Title, First name and Last name of name's guest list

1.6 Preview your mail merge and click icon 8 (in picture) to watch first, second,...fifth guest's name. You can observe by the different guest's name.

                                                             Preview your mail merge

2. Example of invitation gusts to wedding

3. The advantages of this activities

     3.1 It’s can send the same letter in many copies.
     3.2 It's save time to write many names per one topic.


วันจันทร์ที่ 17 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2558

On-screen Outlining for Reading Comprehension

      On-screen Outlining for Reading Comprehension Activities        
       Today I am proud to present you about my outlines passage "Tom, a little boy in London". 
This  paragraph belongs to Miss Srinuan Boontham from Mearimwittayakhom School. This  paragraph has shown you about Tom who was sent to study in London without his parents.
What's happen next, you can read below.

Tom, a little boy in London
                     Tom is the only child of Mr. and Mrs.  Lee.  He was sent to study in London two years ago when he was eight.  Mr. and Mrs. Lee did not go the UK with him.  They were working in China. Tom has been staying with his aunt in London.  During his first year in London, Tom was very shy to speak English. He did not have a lot of friends. He always wanted to go back to China. Mr. and Mrs. Lee were very worried about him. However, one year after that, Tom made a lot of friends at school and also with young neighbours around his aunt’s place.  Tom started to enjoy living and studying in London.  Now he is no longer a shy boy.  He can speak English very well. Mr. and Mrs. Lee are no longer worried about him.  From: http://www.sahavicha.com/?name=test&file=readtest&id=1558 

This photo is my outlines from this paragraph.

Thank you for watching