วันจันทร์ที่ 24 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2558

WriteOn.hlp (Mail Merge)

How to do Mail merge 
on word-processing   

      Today, I have learnt about how to do mail merge on Microsoft word. It was presented from my 4 classmates. It's very easy to do many mail merges, invitation card or letter and so on in a short time. Thus, I am very proud to present you about the procedure and advantage of doing mail merge.

1. Procedure    

     1.1 Open Microsoft Word and make a table of guest's name list. It does depend on what you want to let reader know. For example

Name list

     1.2 Open the second Microsoft Word and write a letter and blank the space behind the word "Dear" like the example.

The letter; invite to wedding ceremony

     1.3 Choose Mailings menu and choose Use Existing list... to receive the name list and run the names till the last name.   

Choose Mailings menu and choose Use Existing list... to receive the name list 

Choose Use Existing list... to receive the name list
  1.4 Next, find your name list where you save it after click open.

Find name list in Desktop and choose the name list and open it

1.5 Click on Insert Merge Field to add Title, First name and Last name of your name's guest list
                    Choose Title, First name and Last name of name's guest list

1.6 Preview your mail merge and click icon 8 (in picture) to watch first, second,...fifth guest's name. You can observe by the different guest's name.

                                                             Preview your mail merge

2. Example of invitation gusts to wedding

3. The advantages of this activities

     3.1 It’s can send the same letter in many copies.
     3.2 It's save time to write many names per one topic.


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